Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Season's Greetings from Montreal and News from St. John's, Newfoundland, about The Walkable City

As the first storms of winter batter North America, the desirability of a walkable city becomes increasingly evident. Montreal usually does pretty well with snow cleaning and removal, but this year three snowfalls in relatively quick succession left a lot of icy sidewalks and snowy streets.

After another storm on Sunday, the crews were on the job so yesterday when I walked downtown the going wasn't bad. Some stalwart souls were back on their bikes while folks with skis were gliding along Park Avenue as it passes through Jeanne Mance Park.

Two weeks ago I had an interview with The Scope, the alternative weekly in St. John's, Newfoundland, where we talked about the problems of snow removal. It snows even more there than in Montreal, but sidewalk snow removal is not high on the list of municipal priorities, it seems. As published, the interview doesn't include that discussion but it does talk about The Walkable City, and how you can try to make a sprawling city denser.

All that snow makes one think of end of year holidays, though, so I'd like to extend our season's greetings. Check out our holiday blog if you'd like to read more: it's part rant, part update.