Friday, September 18, 2009

Noted Urbanist Christopher Leinberger Praises The Walkable City: From Haussmann's Boulevards to Jane Jacobs' Streets and Beyond

It's always encouraging to hear words of praise from someone who cares passionately about cities and who has thought about them carefully and in depth. That's why the words of Christopher B. Leinberger, author of The Option of Urbanism, are particularly welcome.

The Brookings Institution Visiting Fellow writes: "Mary Soderstrom's The Walkable City addresses one of the most important environmental, economic, social, public health and foreign policy issues of our day that is also the most unexpected and simplest; building walkable urban places. Using an approach I personally enjoy, taking a long historical perspective from pre-history through the various ages of city building, Ms. Soderstrom demonstrates that we as a civilization know how to build walkable cities. We just have to speed up our efforts."